Opus Clip VS Video To Text



$14.5 USD/mo/pack


$15 USD/mo


$0 USD/mo

Processing Speed
  • Processing queue
    Dedicated cluster - Fastest processing with more powerful servers
  • Processing queue
    Faster than free and trial
  • Processing queue
Clip Length Options
  • Clip length
    0-1m, 1-3m, 3-5m, 5-10m, 10-15m
  • Clip length
    0-1m, 1-3m, 3-5m, 5-10m, 10-15m
  • Clip length
    0-1m, 1-3m
Import Sources
  • Import sources
    YouTube, Google Drive, Vimeo, Zoom, Rumble, Twitch, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Dropbox, StreamYard, public mp4 url and local video (up to 10GB per video)
  • Import sources
    YouTube, Google Drive, Vimeo, Zoom, Rumble, Twitch, Facebook, LinkedIn, StreamYard and local video (up to 10GB per video)
  • Import sources
    YouTube and local video
Aspect Ratio Options
  • Multiple aspect ratios
    9:16 1:1 16:9
  • Multiple aspect ratios
  • Multiple aspect ratios
Export Options
  • Export to Adobe Premiere Pro & DaVinci Resolve
  • Export to Adobe Premiere Pro & DaVinci Resolve
  • Export to Adobe Premiere Pro & DaVinci Resolve
Social Media Posting
  • Social media posting
    YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook
  • Social media posting
    YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook
  • Social media posting
Social Media Scheduler
  • Social media scheduler
    YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn
  • Social media scheduler
    YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn
  • Social media scheduler
Multiple Social Profiles
  • Multiple profiles per social platform
  • Multiple profiles per social platform
  • Multiple profiles per social platform
Social Post Title Generator
  • Social post title & value generator
  • Social post title & value generator
  • Social post title & value generator
Team Workspace
  • Team workspace
    Each pack includes 2 users, up to 10 users
  • Team workspace
  • Team workspace
Storage Capacity
  • Storage
    100GB / Pack for saved videos and assets, 30-day edit/download limit for unsaved projects
  • Storage
    30-day edit/download limit
  • Storage
    Non-editable, 3-day download limit
Content Library
  • Content library
    Upload your footage, and our AI will understand them to enable AI video search and AI video remix
  • Content library
    Coming soon
  • Content library
Zapier Integration
  • Integration (Zapier)
    Coming soon
  • Integration (Zapier)
    Coming soon
  • Integration (Zapier)
Support Channels
  • Support
    Intercom, Email
  • Support
  • Support
Genre-Specific Curation
  • Genre-specific curation model
  • Genre-specific curation model
  • Genre-specific curation model
AI Clipping by Spoken Words
  • AI clipping by spoken words
  • AI clipping by spoken words
  • AI clipping by spoken words
AI Clipping & Reframe
  • AI clipping & reframe by analyzing voice, emotion, and visual objects
    Coming soon
  • AI clipping & reframe by analyzing voice, emotion, and visual objects
  • AI clipping & reframe by analyzing voice, emotion, and visual objects
AI Virality Score
  • AI predicted virality score
  • AI predicted virality score
  • AI predicted virality score
AI B-roll Generator
  • AI B-roll generator
  • AI B-roll generator
  • AI B-roll generator
AI Copilot
  • AI copilot
    Select timeframe, Select clip length, Topic search, Prompt to curate, Prompt to edit
  • AI copilot
    Select timeframe, Select clip length
  • AI copilot
    Select timeframe, Select clip length
AI Filler Word Removal
  • AI filler word & silence removal
  • AI filler word & silence removal
  • AI filler word & silence removal
Dynamic Speaker Reframe
  • Dynamic speaker auto reframe
  • Dynamic speaker auto reframe
  • Dynamic speaker auto reframe
Screenshare Layout
  • Screenshare AI layout
  • Screenshare AI layout
  • Screenshare AI layout
AI Viral Caption Templates
  • AI viral caption templates with emojis and highlight keywords
    More presets
  • AI viral caption templates with emojis and highlight keywords
    More presets
  • AI viral caption templates with emojis and highlight keywords
    Basic presets
AI Intro Title
  • AI-generated intro title
    Coming soon
  • AI-generated intro title
    Coming soon
  • AI-generated intro title
Smart Visual & Sound Effects
  • Smart visual & sound effects
    Coming soon
  • Smart visual & sound effects
  • Smart visual & sound effects
Auto Music
  • Auto music
    Coming soon
  • Auto music
  • Auto music
Custom Brand Templates
  • Custom Brand Template
    2 brand templates per pack, Custom fonts
  • Custom Brand Template
    1 brand template
  • Custom Brand Template
    1 brand template
Timeline Editor
  • Timeline based video editor
  • Timeline based video editor
  • Timeline based video editor
Caption Editor
  • Caption & custom emoji editor
  • Caption & custom emoji editor
  • Caption & custom emoji editor
Centralized Asset Library
  • Centralized Asset Library
  • Centralized Asset Library
  • Centralized Asset Library
AI Analytics
  • AI Analytics
    Coming soon
  • AI Analytics
  • AI Analytics